29 5 月, 2024
彈性布 Spandex Fabric
Seamless on the side
亮彈性布Luster Spandex Fabric
Seamless on the side
尺寸規格(size): 30cm × 40cm
40cm × 46cm
40cm × 90cm
- 收邊技術
- 無刺鼻味道
- 軟硬度各種布類皆可搭配。
- 可使用回收料製作
Exclusive Mouse Pad Technology, Four Key Features:
- Seamless Edge Technology
- Odor-Free Material
- Customizable Firmness and Textures
- Recyclable Material Compatible
以下為尺寸40×46的範例 The following is an example of size 40×46
彈性布 Spandex Fabric
Seamless on the side
亮彈性布Luster Spandex Fabric
Seamless on the side